Common Types of Autism in Babies

Autism is classified among a group of developmental disabilities known as spectrum disorders. The term ‘spectrum’ indicates how this problem affects each individual uniquely. Children affected by these disorders usually experience a delay in the development of various basic skills such. Some cannot socialize or develop relationships with others and communicate effectively while others develop intellectual disabilities and behavioral disabilities.

Babies grow at different paces. Some grow faster than others. However, there are some signs that may appear in a child that can signal the child could be autistic. Some types of autism in babies include:

– Your baby does not coo or babble by the time they are 12 months of age
– Your baby cannot perform actions such as gesturing, e.g. pointing or waving by the time they are 12 months of age
– The child is past 16 months and cannot say even a single word
– It is already 24 months, and your child cannot say a two-word phrase by themselves and if they do, they repeat what someone else has said
– Your baby does not have any language or social skills
– Your baby cannot be able to establish and maintain eye-contact
– Your baby does not communicate by responding to your facial expressions or even make facial expressions

Al these indicate that you should consider an evaluation for autism. There are different types of autism in babies. Below are some of them:

1. Classic Autism

It is also known as Kanner’s Syndrome. This type of autism is considered to be the most severe. It is the second leading childhood developmental disorder. Symptoms of this type of autism appear in the first three years of the life of a baby. They include delayed speech, the absence of emotional and affection contact and extreme need for routine (at times down to the exact minute) movies, clothing, food or TV shows. They can be affected greatly by smells, noise, and bright light. Children with this condition are generally considered to be low functioning, but the functioning of their mind is unknown mainly because of their poor communication and social skills.

2. Asperger Syndrome

The characteristics of this disorder range from mild to severe. This autism type usually presents itself as lacking of the appropriate social skills, inability to read body language and obsession with rituals. Children with Asperger’s may have a heightened sensitivity to bright lights, and can have a high pain tolerance. Many children with Asperger’s lack co-ordination skills and this can make a baby take too long to know how to walk.

3. Childhood Disintegrative Disorder

This is more common in boys, although it is a rare form of Autism. Babies with this disorder do not show signs until they are about two years of age. At this time, they begin to regress where they tend to lose interest in social activities. They also lose motor and communication skills. Some of them stop talking or get their communication regressing to some degree. Other symptoms of this type of autism include loss skills in potty training and the loss of the interest to play.

4. Rett Syndrome

This is a rare neurological disorder that affects mainly females (one out of every ten thousand). Babies with this disorder have problems in the development of activities such as crawling, walking and making an eye contact. This type of Autism interferes with many body movements, especially speech. Children with this disorder can be noticed to have ritualistic hand movements such as wringing, and clapping patting their hands.

5. PDD-NOS (Pervasive Developmental Disorder–Not Otherwise Specified)

Usually described as atypical autism, babies with this type of autism usually exhibit some or all characteristics of autism described above. Normally, the condition lies in between classic autism and Asperger’s syndrome. The condition can range from mild (has minimal effects on life), to severe (having many symptoms affecting many aspects of life).
These types of autism in babies types are the commonest of all, although there are other types out there. They take parents by surprise and each of them has a unique set of difficulties. Many children need to be cared for, even long after their age mates have gained independence, although the will to stay on their own is very strong.

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